Wien Tourismus

Designed for a Vienna Tourist Board campaign, “Vienne donne le ton” was an interactive installation displayed at Gare de Lyon in Paris, using classical music to engage the French audience. The exhibit featured a large cube with an embedded LED wall, where a grand piano seamlessly merged digital visuals with physical elements.

Top-down recordings of pianists performing Austrian classics were displayed on the screen, with the missing parts of the piano reconstructed in wood. This illusion made the instrument appear to extend from the digital display into real space. A glossy lacquer finish further enhanced the reflection between virtual and physical components.

Passersby could interact with the installation using large floor pedals, stepping on note sequences from famous compositions. Successfully recreating a melody would trigger a pianist’s live performance on the screen. This unique blend of design, technology, and audience participation transformed public space into an immersive musical experience.

2014 • Paris • Gare de Lyon
Development and Production

Client: Wien Tourismus
Concept: Jung von Matt
Production: Stukt Designstudio